Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm profiled in The People Project and Saturn Cafe now has vegan pancakes!

I'm happy to see that my profile is on The People Project website at veganvoice.org. The purpose of the people project is to show people from different races and countries that are vegan as well as show the various reasons why people decide to become vegan. It's a great website and I definitely recommend submitting to it.

In other news, I just read from one of the many blogs that I follow that Saturn Cafe is now offering vegan french toast and pancakes. Score!!! I've been craving pancakes for a while now and can't wait to taste what Saturn Cafe has to offer.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My first vegan festival (with photos)

After months of reading about the upcoming World Veg Festival in San Francison, Den decided to indulge me and take me there. We went to festival yesterday and it was so much fun, I can't wait for it to come around next year. The World Veg Festival was a two day event filled with vegetarian and vegan speakers, various food vendors and San Franciso's first ever vegan fashion show. I was super excited because I got to take photos with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and Rory Freedman, author of the Skinny Bitch books series! I also ate way too many samples and bought more cookbooks to add to my collection.Without further ado, here are some photos from the festival.

Collen Patrick-Goudreau & me

Vegan rice krispie treat and smores cheesecake square

Dr. Joel Fuhrman &  his sister

Banana leaf tamale and vegan taquitos

Den pinkine promising Rory to he'll try veganism for a month

Author Rory Freedman and me
If you'd like to see all the pics I took, check out my flickr feed at flickr.com/photos/bamalibrarylady.

The 52 Book Club's 2025 Reading Challenge

Each year, I take on different reading challenges as a way to get outside of my reading comfort zone. For 2025, I plan to read a total of 52...