Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Celebrating the Holidays With Black Girls Run - Inland Empire

I recently attended a holiday party held by the Black Girls Run!(BGR) Inland Empire club which is a local chapter of the national Black Girls Run running group I joined  2017.

The holiday party was held at a restaurant in Riverside called ProAbition and the evening was filled with games, raffles, good food, and conversation.

Friend Tina and Me at party

A cool thing about the evening was that I won the main game of the evening which was BGR bingo and won at Bath & Body Works gift card!

The BGR Bingo Game involved asking everyone at the party if these met certain requires such as being vegan, being left handed, singing in a church choir, and if they were born in the same month as me.

Me and other BGR Bingo game winner 

After the BGR Bingo game was done, we ordered dinner. I was happy see that the restaurant had a vegan burger on their menu called "The Bootlegger" which consisted of an Impossible patty, lettuce, tomato, guacamole on a vegan pretzel bun. The burger came with fries and while it was a good meal, I felt that the price of $24 was a bit high.

Bootlegger vegan burger with fries

At the end of the evening, we posed for a group photo and made plans to meet at future local races as well as weekly walking/running groups. I love Black Girls Run for the amount of friendships I've made over the years as well as the sisterhood that comes from seeing someone who looks like you at a running event. I've never felt more welcomed by a group of women than from joining this group due to its national reach as well as the goal of working with black women whether they are young or old or whether they walk, wog (walk/jog,) jog, or run. 

2022 Black Girls Run Inland Empire Holiday Party Group Photo


The 52 Book Club's 2025 Reading Challenge

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