Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March Athlete Spotlight From Fleet Feet Fresno

I was recently surprised by being honored on the Fleet Feet Fresno Instagram and Facebook on March 1st for their athlete spotlight! I am flattered and honored to have my running journey and experience with Black Girls Run (aka BGR) highlighted by first Black Girls Run Central Valley last month and now Fleet Feet Fresno. Below is my finisher photo from the Honolulu Marathon in 2019 (aka my first marathon) followed by my running journey and experience with BGR.

 My running journey started in 2007 with the Winter Winds 2K (1.243 miles) in my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama. Unfortunately, I was under this mistaken impression that you could run a race without any training at all-just willpower and happy thoughts lol. After barely finishing the 2K, I belly flopped on some grass and told my husband I’d never run again and I didn’t run again for four years.

In 2011, after many life changes (moving from Alabama to California, becoming vegan, getting Sisterlocks,) I decided to restart running as a way to move my body regularly, set goals & see them through to completions as well celebrate what my body can do. I re-entered the running world by completing the Conquer the Bridge 5.3K in 2011 then in 2012, I ran my first half marathon (Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon). After having the Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon medal placed around my neck, I was hooked on running!

I’ve completed over 80 in person and virtual running events ranging in distance from 5Ks to 10Ks to 1/2 marathons. Thanks to encouragement from my BGR sisters, I completed my first full 26.2 miles marathon last year in Hawaii!

I joined BGR in 2011 and what drew me to BGR is the sisterhood created based on movement and that this group is about support, encouragement, positivity, and lifting each other up.
Since joining BGR, I discovered a strong and diverse group of women from all walks of life constantly working towards taking charge of their health and life through movement. I love that BGR! One of my favorite race memories is from after the Wine and Dine 1/2 Marathon in 2012 and being introduced to Florida BGR members as well as participating in a group photo.
I feel blessed that a chapter has been created in the Central Valley and value the lifelong friendships I’ve made through being in this group. Thanks for allowing me to share my run journey & know that I feel honored to be traveling on this walking/jogging/running health journey with all of you!”

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