Sunday, November 5, 2017

CLA 2017 Recap

     Every November, the California Library Association  has its annual conference and since I've begun working at Kings County Library in April 2014, I've been lucky enough to attend the conference each year.  This year's conference was held in Riverside,CA from November 2-4. I always look forward to attending this conference because it's a chance to reunite with librarian friends that live throughout the state that I don't get to see often as well as meet online librarian friends in real life. I love then opportunity to learn new things regarding the library profession as well as being able to have fun and party during the evening through parties as well as the haters ball (librarians hate on whatever they want) and battledecks (powerpoint russian roulette) . Here are photos from my last three days at the conference.

Me and Elizabeth at fundraiser party
Me and Nichole at fundraiser party

Velva, me, Nichole and Elizabeth at fundraiser party

Hotel I stayed at during conference
Location of CLA conference

2018 Summer Reading Program Theme
First conference session

Lunch of vegan tamale with spanish rice from Tamale Factory restaurant

Used bookstore near conference
Snack between conference sessions

Attending 2018 CLA conference committee meeting 

Helping at friends session
Surprise gifts of vegan wine and chocolate for helping friends

Rebecca, me and Tera after my unoffical annual veggie dinner

Me and online friend before evening events start
Scene from mine & friends 5 minute speed mentor session

Drag queen 
Dolly's direct Hater's Ball presentation 
Dolly talks of annoyance of phone in libraries

Hubby makes cameo as angry patron in friend's presentation

Presentation requiring audience help

Presentation on toddlers
Oleg discusses dislike of toddlers

Learning about a upcoming project
Last day at the conference

Meeting a Twitter friend in real life
African american librarian meeting
Lunch session and vegan lasagna especially for me 
Session on volunteers and fine removal
CLA 2018 conference theme, date & location

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

SoCal Vegfest 2017 Recap

     This past weekend, hubby surprised me with a VIP entrance to the Socal Vegfest in Costa Mesa, California. Not only did I get to enjoy delicious food, I also got to see old friends as well as make some new friends. Here are some photos from my fun filled weekend.

SoCal Vegfest goody bag

Vegan jalapeno cheese tamale
Vegan horchata

Sweet corn tamale

Vegan chocolate funnel cake

Vegan street tacos

Rustic Ranch "Turkey" Burger
Vegan raspberry donut

Vegan ribz, chickun and fries with chipotle sauce

Author/Friend Joni Marie Newman & me
Joni's Monte Cristina sandwich

Me hiding a grin with friend John Lewis aka Badass Vegan
Me and vegan black metal chef

A new vegan friend from the Central Valley

Monday, October 30, 2017

Reaching a running accomplishment and body positive reading

     As I mentioned in a previous post, I've recently started running again and have decided to focus on consistently running at a minimum three miles five to six days a week. Yesterday, I hit a running milestone of running 5 miles non stop which is a big accomplishment for me considering I've never  run that much without feeling winded or tired. Below is a screenshot of my first 5 miles non-stop run. I'm exited to see how my running improves in the next couple of month and how this will impact future races that I run.

I also just finished reading "A Beautiful Work in Progress" by Mirna Valerio. Although I've never met Mirna is person, she is one of my running sheroes. She is a unapologetic plus size runner and has run marathons as well as trail races and ultramarathons. I love that Mirna is honest about her journey to accepting her body and embracing what she can do with her body despite not looking like the slim sterotypical runner and runs not for the purpose of weight loss but for the love of running. This book is a wonderful read about a woman redefining what a runner looks like. Reading this book inspires me to celebrate my body as it currently is, embrace the power that comes from exercising regularly and lastly, don't be afraid to test my body's limits by increasing my race distances. At the end of the day, the only person the can stop you from achieving your goals is you.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Working on my fitness/diet and favorite new running podcast

I've been working out at least once a day for years (going to the gym, working out to DVDS/video games at home) however I do realize the importance of switching my exercise routine up every once in a while. Usually I've been using MapMyFitness along with MyFitnessPal but recently I decided it was time for a change. 

Recently, I've been having issues with my right foot and it got so annoying I had to go to the podiatrist. He told me that I need an orthotic  in my shoes as well as change the type of shoes I wear to motion controlled shoes. Since getting the orthotics, my feet feel a million times better and I'm happy I can start running again.

Although I downloaded the Nike Run Club app to my phone in 2011 however it's only recently that I've discovered how great it is especially if you're someone who like to accomplish goals. Since I started using the app this week, I really enjoy that the apps provides correct mileage whether you're running on a treadmill at the gym or outside. Below are the different running achievements I've unlocked so far.


I am also finally focusing on my food issues and my tendency to gain weight due to snacking and eating too many sweets during the week. I heard about the "No S Diet" online ( which is a simple diet which works by having no sweets, no seconds, and no snacks except of days that start with an s (such as weekends and special days like holidays and birthdays or sick day.) I like "NoS" because there's no rules, just eat one plate of food and I can still enjoy the occasional vegan sweet treat on the weekends. The No S Diet website is great for support and there's also a Facebook group and an experimental app "No S" calendar app you can download to your phone. Here's a photo of the book that sparked my diet change.

Lastly, as a plus size runner, I am always on the lookout for website or resources which help fellow runner like me. My new favorite running podcast the 300 pounds and running ( is run by Martinus Evans. Each episode highlights a bigger runner and ask them  about their weight journey as well as what lead them to start running. Listening to these podcasts at work has really inspired me in my running and makes me happy to know that I'm not the only big runner out there.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Orange County 10K & Black Girls Run (BGR) Meet Up Recap

Last month, I attended my first Black Girls Run (BGR) national race meet up by meeting & participating in the Lexus Orange County 10K race in Irvine, California on September 9, 2017. It was awesome meeting BGR members from as far as Florida and Texas as well as meeting a member of the brother organization Black Men Run (BMR). I'm excited to see that BGR has spread to so many states and hope that I can eventually start a chapter for the Central California area since currently the nearest BGR chapters to me are in San Franciso or Los Angeles which are both over 2 hours away from me.
Me with new BGR friends before the race
Repping the south with new friends from Florida

Waiting with Black Girls Run (BGR) meet-up before the race starts

Me running the Orange County 10K
Me and a new friend who also lived in Huntsville, AL

Me with double bling after Orange County 10K

The 52 Book Club's 2025 Reading Challenge

Each year, I take on different reading challenges as a way to get outside of my reading comfort zone. For 2025, I plan to read a total of 52...