The journey of a black vegan woman originally from Alabama now in living California.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Catching up
Sorry I haven't written in a while; this have been busy. I'll give you the Cliff Notes version of what's happened lately: I was awarded employee of the month at work and I got an A in my Gadsden class, the grades in my other class were okay. The two major assignments were term papers and I've gotten a B- and a B;although I'd normally beat myself up over a possible B, I'm proud that I was able to get a B in a doctoral level class.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hakiu for the "pretty" girls
Sitting at work today, I was annoyed at how quickly men will give up their computer for a woman they view as attractive versus a woman they feel is not. Why are women constantly being judged for their appearance and not treated equally regardless of how they look? I see guys fall over themselves to help out a woman wearing tight clothes or a short skirt but will let a woman with kids or an older lady sit and wait because she's not cute enough. Sorry to vent, but this really burns my biscuits.
Anyway in honor of my annoyance, here's a haiku:
Snobby "pretty" girl
dudes may bend to your will but
poor you, I'm no dude
Anyway in honor of my annoyance, here's a haiku:
Snobby "pretty" girl
dudes may bend to your will but
poor you, I'm no dude
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So much for the best laid plans
This semester is such a pain. I am have one required class left to take (LS 502:Research Methods) and now a kink has been thrown into the plans. The library school has decided to not offer required classes at the UA Gadsden Center anymore starting in the Spring. In addtion, they aren't offering the class online and the Birmingham branch is offering a class I've laready taken-go figure. Since they've made this change, after e-mailing my advisor he said I'm left with two options: 1) Wait until the class is offered at the UA Gasden Center which probably won't be until Fall(maybe?) or 2) Take LS 502 at Tuscaloosa ASAP.
I'm sure you already know what option I'm picking;option 2. I have a timetable I'm working on here and my goal is to graduate on August 8, 2009. I will do whatever I have to do to make this dream a reality. I've come too far to let something like one class stop me. I just don't understand why the school has decided to do this now. I feel like they're more focused on pleasing students who haven't even started the program yet rather than keeping the already enrolled students happy.
Oh well, just gotta keep counting down the days until the end of the semester.
I'm sure you already know what option I'm picking;option 2. I have a timetable I'm working on here and my goal is to graduate on August 8, 2009. I will do whatever I have to do to make this dream a reality. I've come too far to let something like one class stop me. I just don't understand why the school has decided to do this now. I feel like they're more focused on pleasing students who haven't even started the program yet rather than keeping the already enrolled students happy.
Oh well, just gotta keep counting down the days until the end of the semester.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I believe the children are our future (or watch what you say to the wee ones)
At work today, I overheard a mother tell her child who couldn't have been any older than three that "you better shut up if you know what's good for you." I have also seen other examples of parents talking harshly to their (other small) children. What type of message is this sending to the child? How is this going to affect the child once they're old enough to attend school? Talking to my aunt and cousin the other night, the results from this type of behavior is clear; these children learn to only respond when threatened.
I see it everyday when I'm at work, kids who are more interested in going on myspace than doing their homework and who show no regard to authority figures. These groups of kids have no definition of consequences because I feel that some parents have focused too hard on their own goals and being the kid's friend rather than enforcing discipline. Also, parents are choosing to let TV raise their kids rather than actual people. I'm not saying that there's a problem with this; I watched lots of TV when I was a kid but when you sit a kid in front of BET's 106th and Park after school everyday, what do you think is going to happen. There are children in kindergarten that can do the soulja boy dance but can't even spell their name. I think there's a major problem with this but until you find a way to make parents care about what things they expose them to, things will keep getting worse.
I see it everyday when I'm at work, kids who are more interested in going on myspace than doing their homework and who show no regard to authority figures. These groups of kids have no definition of consequences because I feel that some parents have focused too hard on their own goals and being the kid's friend rather than enforcing discipline. Also, parents are choosing to let TV raise their kids rather than actual people. I'm not saying that there's a problem with this; I watched lots of TV when I was a kid but when you sit a kid in front of BET's 106th and Park after school everyday, what do you think is going to happen. There are children in kindergarten that can do the soulja boy dance but can't even spell their name. I think there's a major problem with this but until you find a way to make parents care about what things they expose them to, things will keep getting worse.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Me and Den finally arrived in Cali. and made it to Bakersfield early this morning. Although we were able to get a good price for our tickets, Den didn't find out to yesterday that if we brought an extra bag, we'd get charged $25 dollars. Needless to say, Den changed the way that he packed so we were able to put everything in two bags. The flight from Huntsville to Ohio was uneventful however the flight from Ohio to LAX was interesting. First, JoJo from Jodeci with his wife. Since we could tell he was keeping a low profile we didn't say anything to him. The flight to LAX was booked solid and by the time we got on the plane, all we wanted was to sleep. After boarding the plane, we watched the cutesy flight video featuring a cute red head (den's words not mine) and then the flight attendant started listing the prices for everything. Six dollars for a movie;3 dollars for a can of pringles;six dollars for a cup of wine;two dollars for headphones. Although all of these prices together might not seem really expensive,when you add it up, it gets a little costly.
Me and Den finally arrived in Cali. and made it to Bakersfield early this morning. Although we were able to get a good price for our tickets, Den didn't find out to yesterday that if we brought an extra bag, we'd get charged $25 dollars. Needless to say, Den changed the way that he packed so we were able to put everything in two bags. The flight from Huntsville to Ohio was uneventful however the flight from Ohio to LAX was interesting. First, JoJo from Jodeci with his wife. Since we could tell he was keeping a low profile we didn't say anything to him. The flight to LAX was booked solid and by the time we got on the plane, all we wanted was to sleep. After boarding the plane, we watched the cutesy flight video featuring a cute red head (den's words not mine) and then the flight attendant started listing the prices for everything. Six dollars for a movie; 3 dollars for a can of pringles; six dollars for a cup of wine; two dollars for headphones. Although all of these prices together might not seem really expensive,when you add it up, it gets a little costly.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Packing for our trip and backing up my blog
I'm finishing packing for our flight out to Cali. for a week or so. I found this cool website when you can back up your blog for free.This can be especially handy if you've been blogging for a long time.If you'd like to back up your blog, go to
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Summer grades are in....
Checked my school website today and I am happy to report that I got A's in both of my classes! I'm now officially halfway though with getting my masters degree.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tough times hit everyone
Saturday night, we were having problems with over internet modem and Den had called a service technician to come to the home to fix the problem. When we woke up Sunday morning, the modem was working fine so Den called and cancels the technician. Me and Den were enjoying a nice evening at home yesterday when we heard someone pounding on the front door. Although we initially ignored the pounding at first, Den eventually stopped what he was doing and answered the door. He was still thinking that the cable company may have sent out the service technician anyway but when he opened the door, a man (late teens-early twenties) was standing on the bottom of the front steps with a lawn mower in hand.
"Excuse sir, could I please mow your lawn. My dad's birthday's today and I need more for a gift." Considering that we too are currently strapped for cash, Den turned him down. "Okay, well can you at least donate a few dollars for a gift?" Den again turned him down. In the end, the man ended up leaving our yard with any money. It really saddened me that times have gotten so tough that people have to beg for a chance to do work in order to get money. Me and Den were also discussing the shape this country is going to be in after everything is over.
Currently, the prices for everything is increasing except for the amount of pay that people are receiving. When you go grocery shopping now, you're still paying the same price (if not more) and are getting less for your money. In addition, the only foods out there that are cheap are junk food and completely unhealthy so you're left with the choice of eat healthy and be broke or eat junk and have money. Most are choosing the later and are going to suffer for it in the long run. Even today my heart broke when the front of the local newspaper stated the cholesterol drugs can now be prescribed for children as young as 8. Eight years old and on cholesterol drugs! What the hell is wrong with our world when childhood obesity has become so out of control that this is the only course of action?
Not to be mean but I feel like all junk food should be removed from the grocery stores or at least have a warning label telling shoppers what years of greasy pizza and ice cream (two of my favorites) and hamburgers will do to your heart, body and self-esteem. While some food maker and restaurants have made a positive step by listing their nutritional information of their packaging, in the end I personally feel that the only way that people will start to truly change their lives is through making consequences personal for them. Sure it's good to know how many calories are in a big mac but I'd be less likely to eat it if I know that it'll take an hour to burn of the calories.
"Excuse sir, could I please mow your lawn. My dad's birthday's today and I need more for a gift." Considering that we too are currently strapped for cash, Den turned him down. "Okay, well can you at least donate a few dollars for a gift?" Den again turned him down. In the end, the man ended up leaving our yard with any money. It really saddened me that times have gotten so tough that people have to beg for a chance to do work in order to get money. Me and Den were also discussing the shape this country is going to be in after everything is over.
Currently, the prices for everything is increasing except for the amount of pay that people are receiving. When you go grocery shopping now, you're still paying the same price (if not more) and are getting less for your money. In addition, the only foods out there that are cheap are junk food and completely unhealthy so you're left with the choice of eat healthy and be broke or eat junk and have money. Most are choosing the later and are going to suffer for it in the long run. Even today my heart broke when the front of the local newspaper stated the cholesterol drugs can now be prescribed for children as young as 8. Eight years old and on cholesterol drugs! What the hell is wrong with our world when childhood obesity has become so out of control that this is the only course of action?
Not to be mean but I feel like all junk food should be removed from the grocery stores or at least have a warning label telling shoppers what years of greasy pizza and ice cream (two of my favorites) and hamburgers will do to your heart, body and self-esteem. While some food maker and restaurants have made a positive step by listing their nutritional information of their packaging, in the end I personally feel that the only way that people will start to truly change their lives is through making consequences personal for them. Sure it's good to know how many calories are in a big mac but I'd be less likely to eat it if I know that it'll take an hour to burn of the calories.
Friday, June 27, 2008
A little note for my reader
I regularly check my blog to see how many people are reading this and latey, the nunmbers of readers have shot up dramaticaIly. I am both flattered by this increase in readership but also puzzled as to why so many are interested in what I have to say. I suppose what isn't interesting to you is interesting to some. At any rate, I just wanted to say thanks to anyone who's been reading my blog, have sent me a comment or have stopped by to just read a post.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A very interesting article on the homeless
While at Tellini's the other day with Den getting dinner, I picked up the Valley Planet which is a free local arts newpaper here in town. I read an article in the latest issue that was so great, I'd thought I'd post it here. Keep in mind I didn't write this, I'm just reprinting the article as it was in the Valley Planet.
Hope you like it:
Disclaimer: First, I want to make it absolutely clear: I am NOT writing about H., Alabama. I am NOT writing about the H. mayor. I am only writing about the crassness of SOME town or towns in this nation and how they treat the poor and homeless.
Jesus was a HOMELESS MAN.
He hung out with HOMELESS people.
The prostitutes, like Mary Magdalene. The lepers or untouchables or incurables, the unrehabilitated, the
lost souls. The unliked, the tax collectors. The
dregs of human society at that time.
Reminds me of those today with A.I.D.S. who have been kicked out of hospitals because their insurance ran out, or they never had insurance; those simply on disability whose insurance ran out; the prostitutes who still sell themselves; the mentally ill turned out from mental hospitals; the drug addicts who only think about two things: 1)where the next fix is coming from and 2)how to stop (Must be lovely for them!); the sociopaths who may be beyond help; and the few who have lost their homes and dignity in hard economic times. “There but for the grace of God go I.”
Jesus didn’t hang out with the mayors of the cities--uh, I mean--the priests of the temples and the kings.
He didn’t hang out with the money changers. Hm. One of the few times in the Bible where Jesus gets angry--at those darn money changers on the steps of the temple. “You cannot worship both God and Mammon.”
He had one pair of sandals. I bet they were really dirty, in that land of little water, until someone who loved him washed them for him. “In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it also unto me.” Let me repeat that one, in caps: IN AS MUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE, MY BRETHREN, YE HAVE DONE IT ALSO UNTO ME.”
He had one robe. I bet that was quite dirty, as well, until someone who loved him washed it for him. “Love thy neighbor.” “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” Guess what? SOME town is going to be LAST.
His hair was probably full of dirt and dust of the Middle East, and his sweat, beneath that hot sun. And it wasn’t clean until someone who loved him washed it for him and “anointed it with oil.”
He never knew where his next meal was coming from, though he never worried about it because he was like the “lilies of the field.” But, I bet he felt hunger until someone who loved him shared some bread and wine, until someone “set a table before [him] in the presence of [his] enemies.”
Everyone wants to go to church on Sunday morning and sing aloud how they love their neighbors. In SOME towns.
But, if Jesus were to come to SOME towns, in his dirty shoes and robe and dirty hair, they’d move him out of the downtown area, which is being “cleaned up” to make us--I mean--THAT town somewhere else--“look good” so some friends of the mayor--not OUR mayor, of course, but of SOME TOWN, sell houses and make money--and make Jesus walk on his aching feet to some other part of town, where nobody would want him, either. I suppose everyone would hope he, and the other dirty miscreants, would just wander on away to other cities. But, more than likely, what would happen is that some teenagers would think it fun to mug Jesus or torture him. Things like that have happened in SOME towns before. (I’m SURE it hasn’t happened in THIS town.) Or, Jesus might be walking along a main drag in the rain and a car might run him down. It happens all the time in SOME towns with the homeless. Or a night train might kill him as he crosses the tracks. (That happened to Charlie--oh, I don’t mean Charlie of this town where there are so many churches per block, for Heaven’s sake! Just Charlie of SOME town.) Maybe on a winter night, Jesus might die of exposure, from pneumonia. Or, he might say, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
I wish I were as forgiving as Jesus. I wish some of the rich people--and apparently there are MANY of them in. . . . SOME towns . . . could get away from their mammon worship and their fear for five seconds and do something about one of the worst travesties of this city’s--DER--I MEAN--SOME city’s--history. I’m sure no one is afraid of someone’s mayor--I mean, a mayor isn’t like the POLICE, is he?--in SOME town?
In SOME town, why are people not standing up in absolute outrage? Where is their courage to be the Good Samaritan? Where is the heart of Christianity in this--uh--SOME town? You do not have to put your very life on the line for these homeless: You need not take them into your own homes. However, you can stand up to the powers (of fluff--you know, like birds over the Courthouse) that be and say, “No. This is not right.
This is NOT how my community treats the poor and the homeless.”
Shame on all of you who have not said a word against this outrageous maneuver that was only for MAMMON, of course. I am thankful to and for the few of you who have spoken out.
If SOME town cannot respond to compassion, if SOME towns have no ability to empathize or to follow the teachings of their very own--well, at least, professed--God, then maybe embarrassment will help to move them. Maybe national disgrace will help. . .
Hope you like it:
Disclaimer: First, I want to make it absolutely clear: I am NOT writing about H., Alabama. I am NOT writing about the H. mayor. I am only writing about the crassness of SOME town or towns in this nation and how they treat the poor and homeless.
Jesus was a HOMELESS MAN.
He hung out with HOMELESS people.
The prostitutes, like Mary Magdalene. The lepers or untouchables or incurables, the unrehabilitated, the
lost souls. The unliked, the tax collectors. The
dregs of human society at that time.
Reminds me of those today with A.I.D.S. who have been kicked out of hospitals because their insurance ran out, or they never had insurance; those simply on disability whose insurance ran out; the prostitutes who still sell themselves; the mentally ill turned out from mental hospitals; the drug addicts who only think about two things: 1)where the next fix is coming from and 2)how to stop (Must be lovely for them!); the sociopaths who may be beyond help; and the few who have lost their homes and dignity in hard economic times. “There but for the grace of God go I.”
Jesus didn’t hang out with the mayors of the cities--uh, I mean--the priests of the temples and the kings.
He didn’t hang out with the money changers. Hm. One of the few times in the Bible where Jesus gets angry--at those darn money changers on the steps of the temple. “You cannot worship both God and Mammon.”
He had one pair of sandals. I bet they were really dirty, in that land of little water, until someone who loved him washed them for him. “In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it also unto me.” Let me repeat that one, in caps: IN AS MUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO THE LEAST OF THESE, MY BRETHREN, YE HAVE DONE IT ALSO UNTO ME.”
He had one robe. I bet that was quite dirty, as well, until someone who loved him washed it for him. “Love thy neighbor.” “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” Guess what? SOME town is going to be LAST.
His hair was probably full of dirt and dust of the Middle East, and his sweat, beneath that hot sun. And it wasn’t clean until someone who loved him washed it for him and “anointed it with oil.”
He never knew where his next meal was coming from, though he never worried about it because he was like the “lilies of the field.” But, I bet he felt hunger until someone who loved him shared some bread and wine, until someone “set a table before [him] in the presence of [his] enemies.”
Everyone wants to go to church on Sunday morning and sing aloud how they love their neighbors. In SOME towns.
But, if Jesus were to come to SOME towns, in his dirty shoes and robe and dirty hair, they’d move him out of the downtown area, which is being “cleaned up” to make us--I mean--THAT town somewhere else--“look good” so some friends of the mayor--not OUR mayor, of course, but of SOME TOWN, sell houses and make money--and make Jesus walk on his aching feet to some other part of town, where nobody would want him, either. I suppose everyone would hope he, and the other dirty miscreants, would just wander on away to other cities. But, more than likely, what would happen is that some teenagers would think it fun to mug Jesus or torture him. Things like that have happened in SOME towns before. (I’m SURE it hasn’t happened in THIS town.) Or, Jesus might be walking along a main drag in the rain and a car might run him down. It happens all the time in SOME towns with the homeless. Or a night train might kill him as he crosses the tracks. (That happened to Charlie--oh, I don’t mean Charlie of this town where there are so many churches per block, for Heaven’s sake! Just Charlie of SOME town.) Maybe on a winter night, Jesus might die of exposure, from pneumonia. Or, he might say, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”
I wish I were as forgiving as Jesus. I wish some of the rich people--and apparently there are MANY of them in. . . . SOME towns . . . could get away from their mammon worship and their fear for five seconds and do something about one of the worst travesties of this city’s--DER--I MEAN--SOME city’s--history. I’m sure no one is afraid of someone’s mayor--I mean, a mayor isn’t like the POLICE, is he?--in SOME town?
In SOME town, why are people not standing up in absolute outrage? Where is their courage to be the Good Samaritan? Where is the heart of Christianity in this--uh--SOME town? You do not have to put your very life on the line for these homeless: You need not take them into your own homes. However, you can stand up to the powers (of fluff--you know, like birds over the Courthouse) that be and say, “No. This is not right.
This is NOT how my community treats the poor and the homeless.”
Shame on all of you who have not said a word against this outrageous maneuver that was only for MAMMON, of course. I am thankful to and for the few of you who have spoken out.
If SOME town cannot respond to compassion, if SOME towns have no ability to empathize or to follow the teachings of their very own--well, at least, professed--God, then maybe embarrassment will help to move them. Maybe national disgrace will help. . .
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Summer school blues and a haiku
In my continuing quest to finish grad school by summer of next year, I signed myself up for two classes for the first summer session. These two classes are extra fun because I'm taking them two days a week (Tues. and Thurs.) one is in Tuscaloosa in the mornings and one is online at night and they're both lasting one month.
Some of my classmates think I'm crazy for doing all this while working a full-time job, but you got to do what you have to do to get what you want in life. So far, I feel I'm keeping up with my assignments. I kind of feel like I have to overachieve and wow my classmates since I work in a library reference department and this is a reference resources class. Oh well, I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.All I have to do is keep juggling assignments and readings for the month of June to make it to the end of the semester and our annual vacation in July.
Here's a Haiku to reflect me feelings towards my current situation:
Two classes one month
What the hell was I thinking
All will be impressed
Some of my classmates think I'm crazy for doing all this while working a full-time job, but you got to do what you have to do to get what you want in life. So far, I feel I'm keeping up with my assignments. I kind of feel like I have to overachieve and wow my classmates since I work in a library reference department and this is a reference resources class. Oh well, I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.All I have to do is keep juggling assignments and readings for the month of June to make it to the end of the semester and our annual vacation in July.
Here's a Haiku to reflect me feelings towards my current situation:
Two classes one month
What the hell was I thinking
All will be impressed
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tam's Googling adventure
So, we decided to go to Savannah for Memorial Day weekend and it really sucked. I'm a fan of Paula Dean and was really looking forward to going to her main "Lady and Sons" restaurant in Savannah. Unfortunately, Paula Dean's restaraunt was not what I expected at all (it was really crapy looking on the outside) and we didn't get to eat there because they fry everything in peanut oil so I didn't want to chance Den getting sick. We then went to the Savannah Candy Kitchen and got some salt water taffy, fudge and other stuff. It was a cute shop and we also had a chance to watch taffy being made which was cool to see.Historic Savannah made me feel like we were in New Orleans before Katrina came. All the old historic buildings had been gutted and replaced with cramped businesses which is so not good if you're clastrophic.
We then went to Tybee Island to go to the beach but there was no where not park at all. We did find a cool old fort (Fort Pulaski) to visit and that was fun. At the fort, we also watched a musket firing which was interesting as well. We then went to Hilton Head Island and had the same problem with parking. It seems like everything there is resort or residental parking and everything's too close together. We then took a detour and ended up at this private gated community called Seven Pines where everyone rode around on bikes. It was nice and they had this really great three cheese painni and we also were able to see some bigger yachts as they entered they harbor.
Lastly, we also went to Chattanooga and went to Mellow Mushroom which was fun as usual. The visit there was pretty uneventful except that there was a big downpour of rain which had Den slightly worried for a minute. After the rain passed, we were on our way home.
Overall, I think we had such a sucky time because we went during a holiday so if we go again, it'll definitely be on a non-hoilday.
We then went to Tybee Island to go to the beach but there was no where not park at all. We did find a cool old fort (Fort Pulaski) to visit and that was fun. At the fort, we also watched a musket firing which was interesting as well. We then went to Hilton Head Island and had the same problem with parking. It seems like everything there is resort or residental parking and everything's too close together. We then took a detour and ended up at this private gated community called Seven Pines where everyone rode around on bikes. It was nice and they had this really great three cheese painni and we also were able to see some bigger yachts as they entered they harbor.
Lastly, we also went to Chattanooga and went to Mellow Mushroom which was fun as usual. The visit there was pretty uneventful except that there was a big downpour of rain which had Den slightly worried for a minute. After the rain passed, we were on our way home.
Overall, I think we had such a sucky time because we went during a holiday so if we go again, it'll definitely be on a non-hoilday.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Sucky Memorial Day Weekend
So, we decided to go to Savannah for Memorial Day weekend and it really sucked. I'm a fan of Paula Dean and was really looking forward to going to her main "Lady and Sons" restaurant in Savannah. Unfortunately, Paula Dean's restaraunt was not what I expected at all (it was really crapy looking on the outside) and we didn't get to eat there because they fry everything in peanut oil so I didn't want to chance Den getting sick. We then went to the Savannah Candy Kitchen and got some salt water taffy, fudge and other stuff. It was a cute shop and we also had a chance to watch taffy being made which was cool to see.Historic Savannah made me feel like we were in New Orleans before Katrina came. All the old historic buildings had been gutted and replaced with cramped businesses which is so not good if you're clastrophic.
We then went to Tybee Island to go to the beach but there was no where not park at all. We did find a cool old fort (Fort Pulaski) to visit and that was fun. At the fort, we also watched a musket firing which was interesting as well. We then went to Hilton Head Island and had the same problem with parking. It seems like everything there is resort or residental parking and everything's too close together. We then took a detour and ended up at this private gated community called Seven Pines where everyone rode around on bikes. It was nice and they had this really great three cheese painni and we also were able to see some bigger yachts as they entered they harbor.
Lastly, we also went to Chattanooga and went to Mellow Mushroom which was fun as usual. The visit there was pretty uneventful except that there was a big downpour of rain which had Den slightly worried for a minute. After the rain passed, we were on our way home.
Overall, I think we had such a sucky time because we went during a holiday so if we go again, it'll definitely be on a non-hoilday.
We then went to Tybee Island to go to the beach but there was no where not park at all. We did find a cool old fort (Fort Pulaski) to visit and that was fun. At the fort, we also watched a musket firing which was interesting as well. We then went to Hilton Head Island and had the same problem with parking. It seems like everything there is resort or residental parking and everything's too close together. We then took a detour and ended up at this private gated community called Seven Pines where everyone rode around on bikes. It was nice and they had this really great three cheese painni and we also were able to see some bigger yachts as they entered they harbor.
Lastly, we also went to Chattanooga and went to Mellow Mushroom which was fun as usual. The visit there was pretty uneventful except that there was a big downpour of rain which had Den slightly worried for a minute. After the rain passed, we were on our way home.
Overall, I think we had such a sucky time because we went during a holiday so if we go again, it'll definitely be on a non-hoilday.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!
I realize this is pretty cheesy, but I just wanted to wish my readers a happy and safe memorial day!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Spring Grades
I'm happy to report I got an A in my Materials and Services for Adults class and an B in my Introduction to Library and Information Science class. I'm now that much closer to getting my Masters in Library Science.
Yay me!!
Yay me!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Father daughter bonding
Just came from hanging out with my dad. It was actually nice and we got to get a lot of things out in the open about my past and his past.
I brought him my scrapbook, high school yearbooks, and literary magazines as a way for him to see what him missed out on in reference to my childhood. He read my poetry and complimented the amount of talent I should through my work.
I asked some tough questions and he gave me answers that I may not have wanted to hear but I needed to hear. It was just nice to talk to him and feel like I matter to him. I really enjoyed having a chance to talk to him without being angry at him.
Well at any rate, I feel that today was a great start in order to build a relationship with my dad.
I brought him my scrapbook, high school yearbooks, and literary magazines as a way for him to see what him missed out on in reference to my childhood. He read my poetry and complimented the amount of talent I should through my work.
I asked some tough questions and he gave me answers that I may not have wanted to hear but I needed to hear. It was just nice to talk to him and feel like I matter to him. I really enjoyed having a chance to talk to him without being angry at him.
Well at any rate, I feel that today was a great start in order to build a relationship with my dad.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The times, they are a changing
Dad stopped by the job today to deliver info. for the first ever family reunion on his side. It's weird how that worked out considering that I've been planning to call him for sometime now but haven't had a chance to but when I finally did, he said he was pulling into the library parking lot since he was returning from a doctor's appointment.
I feel bad I'm not gonna get to go to the reunion because I'm working that weekend. He also told me he's getting a divorce from his wife to which I don't really know what my reaction was supposed to be. I asked if he was sad. He said no, so I said congrats instead. I asked if he was planning on staying here after the divorce and he said he thinks he will. I told him he should. I hope he understands what I meant by that.....that I want him to stay....I've just started to want to get to know him and it would really suck if he moved away.
In reference to school, classes are over and I am waiting with baited breath for my grades. I am positive I got an A in my onlne class but my other class I'm not so sure about. I made a undergrad mistake on the first assignment and instead of turning in 20 article reviews, I turned in 15. I read all 20 and didn't turn in the reviews for the 5 required readings. How dumb was that? At any rate, I got a C for the assignment and then I turned in my term paper and am praying that the teacher will have mercy on me and at least B because I need a B average to be upgrade to regular grad student status.
Work wise, we should be finding out who the new director will be soon although I'm 99.9% sure it's someone aready working at the library. I really hate the politics at my job sometimes-it seems like it's not what you know anymore but who you know and who you've helped that determines your future here.I realize there's politics everywhere but I'm just sick of the gossiping, the two faced behavior, and conversations had behind closed doors.
I feel bad I'm not gonna get to go to the reunion because I'm working that weekend. He also told me he's getting a divorce from his wife to which I don't really know what my reaction was supposed to be. I asked if he was sad. He said no, so I said congrats instead. I asked if he was planning on staying here after the divorce and he said he thinks he will. I told him he should. I hope he understands what I meant by that.....that I want him to stay....I've just started to want to get to know him and it would really suck if he moved away.
In reference to school, classes are over and I am waiting with baited breath for my grades. I am positive I got an A in my onlne class but my other class I'm not so sure about. I made a undergrad mistake on the first assignment and instead of turning in 20 article reviews, I turned in 15. I read all 20 and didn't turn in the reviews for the 5 required readings. How dumb was that? At any rate, I got a C for the assignment and then I turned in my term paper and am praying that the teacher will have mercy on me and at least B because I need a B average to be upgrade to regular grad student status.
Work wise, we should be finding out who the new director will be soon although I'm 99.9% sure it's someone aready working at the library. I really hate the politics at my job sometimes-it seems like it's not what you know anymore but who you know and who you've helped that determines your future here.I realize there's politics everywhere but I'm just sick of the gossiping, the two faced behavior, and conversations had behind closed doors.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Fighting my mom's battle
Den has been hanging out with my dad a lot lately and he's told me some very interesting things about me as I baby which I've blocked out. Den think it's weird that I don't remember massive chuncks of my growing up.
At this point, I'm torn about what to do. I've been a solider in a secret war for 29 years; the war between my parents. I've been fighting on my mom's side for so long, I don't know what will happen if I decide to change sides now. I've grown up hearing about what a bum my dad is and how he's no good but all the things that Den has been telling me lately wants me to give him a chance. The only problem is I don't know how....I've never had a touchy feely relationship with my dad and he's a stranger to me.
I've been programmed against my dad for so long, I can't even tell which feelings and opinions are really mine and which ones are things that my mom has taught me to believe. It's awful to think that your mother is evil and is capable of deceit and yet, I can believe it because sometimes mom'll say things that will get under my skin and then she'll act as though she's said nothing at all.
I don't know how to build a relationship from scratch, but I think I may just be willing to try.
At this point, I'm torn about what to do. I've been a solider in a secret war for 29 years; the war between my parents. I've been fighting on my mom's side for so long, I don't know what will happen if I decide to change sides now. I've grown up hearing about what a bum my dad is and how he's no good but all the things that Den has been telling me lately wants me to give him a chance. The only problem is I don't know how....I've never had a touchy feely relationship with my dad and he's a stranger to me.
I've been programmed against my dad for so long, I can't even tell which feelings and opinions are really mine and which ones are things that my mom has taught me to believe. It's awful to think that your mother is evil and is capable of deceit and yet, I can believe it because sometimes mom'll say things that will get under my skin and then she'll act as though she's said nothing at all.
I don't know how to build a relationship from scratch, but I think I may just be willing to try.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Birthday Thoughts
So today's my birthday (I'm 29) and I decided to celebrate it in the best way I know how, by going to places and taking advantage of free stuff. Did you know if you sign up for Red Robin's and Coldstone's e-mail, they'll send you a free coupon for a burger and an ice cream on your birthday? I know that it's not much but hey, with gas prices and everything else going up daily, it's the little things that make life worhwhile. I also received a card in the mail from my aunt and uncle yesterday. It's always nice when people care enough to see a birthday card and wish you a happy birthday.
Mom said she's sending a card but apologized for not enclosing money. She's such a silly lady. I told her I could care less if there's money in the card, it's the thought that counts. Den is coming home from work early today so I wonder what he ha planned. All in all, it's been a good day so far. I took the day off so I coul enjoy my birthday and have time to reflect on my life and the future. I feel very lucky and blessed to be alive, especially considering how many people have been dying lately. One of my cousins (Marvin Stone) passed away last week and the fact that he died so young (26) really makes you realize how important life is.
Mom said she's sending a card but apologized for not enclosing money. She's such a silly lady. I told her I could care less if there's money in the card, it's the thought that counts. Den is coming home from work early today so I wonder what he ha planned. All in all, it's been a good day so far. I took the day off so I coul enjoy my birthday and have time to reflect on my life and the future. I feel very lucky and blessed to be alive, especially considering how many people have been dying lately. One of my cousins (Marvin Stone) passed away last week and the fact that he died so young (26) really makes you realize how important life is.
Monday, March 31, 2008
March in like a lion,out like a lamb-yeah right
There is a lot on my mind right now and I'm trying to sort everything out. In the last two days, I've gotten family news which leaves me both questionable about the futures of certain people as well as irritated that as usual, families members view me as the strongest person to confide in about what is going on.
I feel confused because I've never viewed myself as someone to confide in, I just try to be a good listener and not be judgemental. I think that may be the reason why family memebers come to me with their secrets and burdens-they know that I wouldn't share what they say with anyone and I'm not going to judge them for their behavior.
The pattern in my family is that they talk about situations to other members, never directy to the person themselves.Then after the situation has occured, they (family members) come out of the woodwork saying what the peron should have done and pretty much condemming them for their actions.
My whole thing is who am you to judge you? Last time I checked, no one's perfect and I feel that it's wrong to judge someone else when you've done some things in the past you're not proud of either.
Hopefully things will work themselves out, they always do. I'm just grateful I'm able to vent without hurting any feelings.
I feel confused because I've never viewed myself as someone to confide in, I just try to be a good listener and not be judgemental. I think that may be the reason why family memebers come to me with their secrets and burdens-they know that I wouldn't share what they say with anyone and I'm not going to judge them for their behavior.
The pattern in my family is that they talk about situations to other members, never directy to the person themselves.Then after the situation has occured, they (family members) come out of the woodwork saying what the peron should have done and pretty much condemming them for their actions.
My whole thing is who am you to judge you? Last time I checked, no one's perfect and I feel that it's wrong to judge someone else when you've done some things in the past you're not proud of either.
Hopefully things will work themselves out, they always do. I'm just grateful I'm able to vent without hurting any feelings.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Staff development day or the most wonderful day of the year
This past Wednesday at work, the library was closed in honor of Staff Development Day. On this day, the library is closed and everyone from main library and library branches gather to take training classes and mingle. This year, our theme was "simply the best" which is a direct steal from Tina Turner. As you can imagine, the entire day anytime anyone said anything, it was ended with "simply the best." The thing that sucks about it is that we have to dress in work and we have to be there from 8:30-5. I do like that we get an hour plus for lunch and some of the classes are interesting.
If you ever wanted to know what librarians do when the library is closed and they need a laugh, check out this remake of "simply the best" done by some co-workers at staff development day.
Click here to watch the video
In addition to the training classes, we got to listen to a motivational speaker and then the day ended with service awards for those who have worked at the library for 5, 10,15,20, and 30 years as well as door prizes and drawing for employee of the year. I'll be up for my 10 year certificate next year (WOO HOO!). All in all, it was fun and if nothing else, it was a day without the hassle of dealing with crazy patrons.
If you ever wanted to know what librarians do when the library is closed and they need a laugh, check out this remake of "simply the best" done by some co-workers at staff development day.
Click here to watch the video
In addition to the training classes, we got to listen to a motivational speaker and then the day ended with service awards for those who have worked at the library for 5, 10,15,20, and 30 years as well as door prizes and drawing for employee of the year. I'll be up for my 10 year certificate next year (WOO HOO!). All in all, it was fun and if nothing else, it was a day without the hassle of dealing with crazy patrons.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Chippendales come to Huntsvegas (or another goal checked off my list)
When my friend K invited me to go to a Chippendales show, I was excited. Although I'd never been to a show before, I had seen it on TV and heard that it was alot of fun. At any rate, last night, me, K, Deb, and K's friends from work went to a local club to see the Chippendales. All I can say is that if I ever go to a show again, I will pay more money for better seats.
Since K's friend reserved a table, when we got there, we were able to go right in and sit down. It was only then that I noticed that we were actually sitting in the very back of the club. There was a VIP section and then a ground section and after that us. Needless to say, when the guys came out, we got to see them dance but when they hit the floor, we couldn't see because all the girls in the front were standing up. How crappy is that? It's like you paid to go to a sold out concert and you end up in seats that only let you see that artist from behind.What the hell!
Besides that, I had a good time. I was shocked at how uninhibited the women and the dancers were. The guys were grabbing boobs and slapping butts and the women were grinding all over the guys. I really did like when the guys came out into the audience to dance with everybody. If you gave them a dollar, they'd dance with you. I'm sure my friend manange to get at least one incriminating photo of me.
I always wondered how the Chippendales made money and now I know how they do it. After you pay your money for your ticket, they ask if you want to pay a dollar to enter a raffle where you'll win a bag of Chippendales stuff. I know a dollar isn't really much is it? After that, they bring out six chairs and have "hot seat dances" (at least 6 times) where for ten dollars, you can go on stage and have a Chippendale dance on you for a couple of mintues. Then after the show is over, for ten dollars, you can get a polaroid taken with the Chippendales. All that adds up to be alot and that's not even adding in alcohol.
The experience overall was fun and if nothing else, eye opening. While it was fun to go see the Chippendales (boy were they hot!), being there reminded me of why I don't like going to clubs: the club was smoky, the music and girls screaming was too loud, and everything cost too much. Although I thought that I wouldn't act like all of the other girls, in the end, I did wind up screaming just as loud as everyone else.
Since K's friend reserved a table, when we got there, we were able to go right in and sit down. It was only then that I noticed that we were actually sitting in the very back of the club. There was a VIP section and then a ground section and after that us. Needless to say, when the guys came out, we got to see them dance but when they hit the floor, we couldn't see because all the girls in the front were standing up. How crappy is that? It's like you paid to go to a sold out concert and you end up in seats that only let you see that artist from behind.What the hell!
Besides that, I had a good time. I was shocked at how uninhibited the women and the dancers were. The guys were grabbing boobs and slapping butts and the women were grinding all over the guys. I really did like when the guys came out into the audience to dance with everybody. If you gave them a dollar, they'd dance with you. I'm sure my friend manange to get at least one incriminating photo of me.
I always wondered how the Chippendales made money and now I know how they do it. After you pay your money for your ticket, they ask if you want to pay a dollar to enter a raffle where you'll win a bag of Chippendales stuff. I know a dollar isn't really much is it? After that, they bring out six chairs and have "hot seat dances" (at least 6 times) where for ten dollars, you can go on stage and have a Chippendale dance on you for a couple of mintues. Then after the show is over, for ten dollars, you can get a polaroid taken with the Chippendales. All that adds up to be alot and that's not even adding in alcohol.
The experience overall was fun and if nothing else, eye opening. While it was fun to go see the Chippendales (boy were they hot!), being there reminded me of why I don't like going to clubs: the club was smoky, the music and girls screaming was too loud, and everything cost too much. Although I thought that I wouldn't act like all of the other girls, in the end, I did wind up screaming just as loud as everyone else.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Yay and boo
I turned in my massive public services paper for my LS 523 class. I'm really happy I managed to write 21 pages and have it make sense. One assignment down, three more to go.
I got a positive comment letter from a patron I helped the other day. She had a stroke and her left side was paralyzed so I helped her find what she was looking for on the virtual library and she was happy. That really made my day.
UA's summer class schedule for SLIS students are looking kinda sucky. I really hope they add more online and Gadsden classes. With gas going up by the hour,I really can't afford to have to drive down to Tuscaloosa.
My braider/hair stylist is moving to Texas at the end of the month. True she does a fabulous job on my hair but I'm trying to decide if she's willing to travel for.
I turned in my massive public services paper for my LS 523 class. I'm really happy I managed to write 21 pages and have it make sense. One assignment down, three more to go.
I got a positive comment letter from a patron I helped the other day. She had a stroke and her left side was paralyzed so I helped her find what she was looking for on the virtual library and she was happy. That really made my day.
UA's summer class schedule for SLIS students are looking kinda sucky. I really hope they add more online and Gadsden classes. With gas going up by the hour,I really can't afford to have to drive down to Tuscaloosa.
My braider/hair stylist is moving to Texas at the end of the month. True she does a fabulous job on my hair but I'm trying to decide if she's willing to travel for.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Current pet peeves (my short list)
Since I'm currently bored at work, I've decided to make a short list of current pet peeves. Enjoy!
My current pet peeves:
1. Having to repeat myself to patrons on the phone (via speaker phone)
2. The fact that hotmail refuses to open (again)
3. The skanky halter top/booty short combo my husband bought me while in gulf makes me feel like a hooters girl-a generic hooters girl-hell, let's call me a cooters girl in honor of my undying love for "The Dukes of Hazzard" (imagine if you will a top 3 sizes too small and tight shorts with the words "gulf shores" written on the butt-it's craptacular!)
4.People that are shocked and pissed when their library card is not in the system anymore and decide to gripe to me about it.
5.When co-workers transfer telephone calls without telling me what it's about or the call ends up being something the transferer could have easily answered themselves.
6. Having to explain to patrons the ins and out of the computer reservation system for the millionth time.
7. Snow flurries but no full fledged snowfall (I would really love a snow day!)
8. Having to answer the same crossword puzzle clues for the crossword puzzle lady and she's not even trying to give me clues I answer.
My current pet peeves:
1. Having to repeat myself to patrons on the phone (via speaker phone)
2. The fact that hotmail refuses to open (again)
3. The skanky halter top/booty short combo my husband bought me while in gulf makes me feel like a hooters girl-a generic hooters girl-hell, let's call me a cooters girl in honor of my undying love for "The Dukes of Hazzard" (imagine if you will a top 3 sizes too small and tight shorts with the words "gulf shores" written on the butt-it's craptacular!)
4.People that are shocked and pissed when their library card is not in the system anymore and decide to gripe to me about it.
5.When co-workers transfer telephone calls without telling me what it's about or the call ends up being something the transferer could have easily answered themselves.
6. Having to explain to patrons the ins and out of the computer reservation system for the millionth time.
7. Snow flurries but no full fledged snowfall (I would really love a snow day!)
8. Having to answer the same crossword puzzle clues for the crossword puzzle lady and she's not even trying to give me clues I answer.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What's the deal pickle part 2
Me and my friend are friends again. I went to her and asked if she was mad at me. She said no but I told her I didn't believe her and aplogized for whatever I may have done to make her mad. I then asked if we were okay and she said yes. I am happy to silent treatment is over.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What's the deal pickle?
This past weekend, a friend of mine asked to borrow money to get her car fixed. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to let her have it. It was just really bad timing being in that we'd just paid our bills and Den had planned a suprise valentine's day trip to the beach.At any rate, now I feel like I'm getting the cold shoulder from her and she's not talking to me at all.I understand that she may have a lot on her mind and all but the fact of the matter is that by not talking to me, this implies that something is wrong whether is it or not.
I really respect her and value our friendship and Ican't believe that something as not lendingher money would lead to her shutting me out. I've lent her money before, I just couldn't do it this time-I've said I'm sorry.I don't know....maybe I'm just being paranoid,but I don't think so.
I just feel like once again, I'm not being treated like an adult and by not talking to me and not saying why is just childish. The worst part about it is that she knows I'd give her the money if I had it-hell-she's the only person I would lend money too because she's good for paying me back on time. Even my mom doesn't always pay me back when I loan her money.
Of well....I'll just wait and see how this plays itself out.
I really respect her and value our friendship and Ican't believe that something as not lendingher money would lead to her shutting me out. I've lent her money before, I just couldn't do it this time-I've said I'm sorry.I don't know....maybe I'm just being paranoid,but I don't think so.
I just feel like once again, I'm not being treated like an adult and by not talking to me and not saying why is just childish. The worst part about it is that she knows I'd give her the money if I had it-hell-she's the only person I would lend money too because she's good for paying me back on time. Even my mom doesn't always pay me back when I loan her money.
Of well....I'll just wait and see how this plays itself out.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Feeling better but still getting my butt kicked
So.....I'm feeling better, but I'm still getting my butt kicked. I have a powerpoint presentation due next week and an 18 page paper due on March 6th. I you know me, you can imagine that right now, I'm trying to work on everything all at the same time. This may or may not be a good idea.....probably not so much. Okay maybe I am putting too much pressure on myslef, but this is my graduate school career we're talking about. Since I'm in grad school on a conditional basis, I have to maintain a "B" average or risk getting kicked out. So far, I've gotten two A's but this online class has got me worried.I always worry when a teacher asks for something and I'm not sure what they want. Oh well, I guess if I was able to BS my way to a BA, I can probably BS my way to a MLIS. Here's hoping.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Being sick sucks
I am sick right now....being sick sucks. My head is stopped up and my throat is sore. I am currently medicating myself with cherry cough drops, musinex (I think that's how you spell it) and different types of cough syrup. Hopefully, I will be feeling better soon. Again, being sick sucks.Well, at least I have work to keep me busy....that and an 18 page term page I haven't even begun to write yet. Yah me!
Here's a poem I just made up in my medicine induced haze:
I am sick right now
I can hardly hear anyboy
Pass the cough syrup please
Here's a poem I just made up in my medicine induced haze:
I am sick right now
I can hardly hear anyboy
Pass the cough syrup please
Thursday, January 31, 2008
How lucky am I?
Today while at work, Den surprised me at wrok with ballons and a stuffed monkey since he likes to monkey around (his pun, not mine). I was completely surprised considering that Valentine's Day is still at least two weeks away and my birthday isn't until April. He said he did it "just because." Is that sweet or what? Of course being that I'm on a haiku roll lately, I wrote a poem reflecting my feelings for what he's done:
My husband is sweet
Surprised me at work with gift
How lucky am I?
My husband is sweet
Surprised me at work with gift
How lucky am I?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Was it something I said?
This semester, I'm taking my usual combination of one online class and one class in Gadsden. One the first night of the online class, each student says where they're from, where they work, etc. and the proceeds as usual. Pretty much the only way you'll meet someone from your online class in person is if you have a group project and live in the same area. That being said, imagine my surprise when I came into work and was told that one of my online classmates had called and was coming to look for information as well as meet me. I was both surprise and excited about the idea of meeting an online classmate in person.
The next day, the classmate arrives at the library and we meet and talk for a while. She is worried because we have to projects, one dealing with reading five books in a particular genre (I got chick lit) and doing three booktalks and the second project deals with a service offered to Adults in the public library (I got Reader's Advisory). She was given historical fiction and Reference to work with and was having no luck finding books in her genre or on her service. She then asked me how far I was in the program and I told her (second semester, taking my third and fourth classes) and if I work full-time or part-time (full-time). After I looked up some books that seemed to interest her, (she only wanted books from the main library not sent from branches since she lives far away), we said good-bye and said we'd see each other Thursday night online in class.
Last night, my teacher told the class that the classmate I had spoken to decided to drop the class and wait until next semester to start the MLIS program. I feel so awful. Although I remember a student saying that this was their first semester and class, I had no idea it was her. I'm sure she felt overwhelmed by all the stuff the teacher wanted from us.
Den said that the answers I gave her made it seem like I'm the shit, I’m on top of things, and that's what scared her away. I don't care...I don't like feeling as if I'm the direct cause of someone postponing their graduate school career. Then again, if an 18-20 page paper and booktalks made her head for the hills, maybe she should reevaluate whether or not this is something she really wants to do.
The next day, the classmate arrives at the library and we meet and talk for a while. She is worried because we have to projects, one dealing with reading five books in a particular genre (I got chick lit) and doing three booktalks and the second project deals with a service offered to Adults in the public library (I got Reader's Advisory). She was given historical fiction and Reference to work with and was having no luck finding books in her genre or on her service. She then asked me how far I was in the program and I told her (second semester, taking my third and fourth classes) and if I work full-time or part-time (full-time). After I looked up some books that seemed to interest her, (she only wanted books from the main library not sent from branches since she lives far away), we said good-bye and said we'd see each other Thursday night online in class.
Last night, my teacher told the class that the classmate I had spoken to decided to drop the class and wait until next semester to start the MLIS program. I feel so awful. Although I remember a student saying that this was their first semester and class, I had no idea it was her. I'm sure she felt overwhelmed by all the stuff the teacher wanted from us.
Den said that the answers I gave her made it seem like I'm the shit, I’m on top of things, and that's what scared her away. I don't care...I don't like feeling as if I'm the direct cause of someone postponing their graduate school career. Then again, if an 18-20 page paper and booktalks made her head for the hills, maybe she should reevaluate whether or not this is something she really wants to do.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
R.I.P. Helen Lee (1951-2008)
A co-worker of mine, Helen Lee, passed away this week at the age of 56. She was a wonderful person as well as an exceptional librarian. I have had opportunity to work with her daughter Annie and you couldn't have known two nicer people.Annie loved her mother dearly and Helen loved Annie equally which was always demonstrated when you saw them together.
When I heard that Helen was running in the Cotton Row Marathon, it inspired me to take up running. Although I'm not a competitive runner, knowing that at age 50+ she was athletic and active made me want to get active too. All of my memories of Helen are of how strong she was, whether it was shown through running the Madison Public Library or in how loyal she was to her family and friends.
Helen, you will definitely be missed and God Bless you.
Here's a haiku im memory of Helen:
Helen, you will be missed
Your strength and poise was superb
It was an honor
When I heard that Helen was running in the Cotton Row Marathon, it inspired me to take up running. Although I'm not a competitive runner, knowing that at age 50+ she was athletic and active made me want to get active too. All of my memories of Helen are of how strong she was, whether it was shown through running the Madison Public Library or in how loyal she was to her family and friends.
Helen, you will definitely be missed and God Bless you.
Here's a haiku im memory of Helen:
Helen, you will be missed
Your strength and poise was superb
It was an honor
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Work haiku take two
I have no problem helping high schools kids but I do get extremely annoyed when the kids come in a large group and the groups are loud and unruly. I also find it ironic when there is a large group (around 7-10) and one teacher comes in the rule over them. At any rate, here's a poem I came up with to express my angst.
High school kids are dumb
Why must your group be so loud?
Turn your volume down
High school kids are dumb
Why must your group be so loud?
Turn your volume down
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
A work related haiku
Why is it that right after I help a patron by getting their library card number for them so they can use the computer, I turn around and get mooned? WTF!!! Okay, maybe mooned in not the right word but what else do you call seeing someone's barely covered butt and then watching them try to up pull their pants but not quite doing it fast enough? What is wrong with people? Anyway, in honor of this mooning mofo as well as other mofos like him, I have created a haiku. Enjoy!
Full moon out today?
Sir, please put your ass away
We all know crack's wack.
Full moon out today?
Sir, please put your ass away
We all know crack's wack.
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Haiku for my SLIS sisters
In memory of a fun and memorable weekend of LS 501:Intro. to Library and Info. Science class in Gadsden filled with profanity ladden worksheets and cheesetastic 1980's videos, I created a haiku to reflect the good times had while having lunch at the Grind.
He promised warm cheese straws
However, no straws ever came
I am so saddened
He promised warm cheese straws
However, no straws ever came
I am so saddened
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Lucky.....yeah, if you say so
Today as I was talking with a co-worker, she was telling me about how her teenage son is having growth spurts and said she hoped he'd end up as tall as I am. What?
I am always confused by people who tell me how lucky I am to be tall. I don't feel particularly lucky...I just happened to get good genes when it comes to height. It just happened that my tall dad (6'1) and short mom (5'6) mom made me and I grew to be 5'11. I don't feel unusually special because I'm taller than a lot of people, as a matter of fact growing up, and my height was a real pain in the butt. I was the tallest person in the 5th grade (even taller than my teacher) and there's always the stereotype that because you're tall, you're good at basketball. Well I tried playing basketball and I sucked at it. I did however get a trophy but I think it was more for being on the team than any outstanding playing ability.
Another downside of being tall comes when you're starting to date. Although some girls dream about finding a guy who's tall, dark, and handsome, how many guy look for a girl whose tall, lighter, and beautiful? Not saying they aren't out there, I'm just saying that when I did go out with a guy, I was mostly drawn to guys slightly shorter than me. Why? I have no idea. Even my husband is slightly shorter than me and he likes to joke that he got with me "to knock out the short gene in his family). I guess I can see where he's coming from considering that his mom is 4'9 and his dad is 5'9.
I guess we’ve all say this sort of thing one time or another; see something in someone else we wish we had or were able to obtain and expressed how lucky they are. Then again I suppose I'm guilty of doing the same thing too; I often tell my best friend how lucky she is to be able to eat whatever she wants and not gain weight. The main lesson in doing this: the very thing you envy about someone else may be something that they view as a burden, a problem, or something that needs to be fixed.
I am always confused by people who tell me how lucky I am to be tall. I don't feel particularly lucky...I just happened to get good genes when it comes to height. It just happened that my tall dad (6'1) and short mom (5'6) mom made me and I grew to be 5'11. I don't feel unusually special because I'm taller than a lot of people, as a matter of fact growing up, and my height was a real pain in the butt. I was the tallest person in the 5th grade (even taller than my teacher) and there's always the stereotype that because you're tall, you're good at basketball. Well I tried playing basketball and I sucked at it. I did however get a trophy but I think it was more for being on the team than any outstanding playing ability.
Another downside of being tall comes when you're starting to date. Although some girls dream about finding a guy who's tall, dark, and handsome, how many guy look for a girl whose tall, lighter, and beautiful? Not saying they aren't out there, I'm just saying that when I did go out with a guy, I was mostly drawn to guys slightly shorter than me. Why? I have no idea. Even my husband is slightly shorter than me and he likes to joke that he got with me "to knock out the short gene in his family). I guess I can see where he's coming from considering that his mom is 4'9 and his dad is 5'9.
I guess we’ve all say this sort of thing one time or another; see something in someone else we wish we had or were able to obtain and expressed how lucky they are. Then again I suppose I'm guilty of doing the same thing too; I often tell my best friend how lucky she is to be able to eat whatever she wants and not gain weight. The main lesson in doing this: the very thing you envy about someone else may be something that they view as a burden, a problem, or something that needs to be fixed.
Friday, January 4, 2008
California Screamin (thank God the nightmare is over)
Den and I are finally back from California and I'm so glad to be back. Although these trips are supposed to be vacation, they never are and we end up doing stuff for his mom or having to divide our time between his family members. This trip, we ended up installing doorknobs, overseeing facets being installed by plumbers, doing data entry for her church's website, and replacing light bulbs at his mom's house. I've already been told that when we come out in the spring or summer, we're going to be pulling up the shag carpet throughout the house and putting in a new bedroom suite. As you can see, I have a lot to look forward to. While this may seem like a lot of work, at this point, I'd much rather be doing this that the other option which is hanging out with Den's sister, D. the Disneyfreak.
D. (I don't know if I mentioned this or not) is Den's big sis and she has an unhealthy relationship with Disneyland. The reason I say her relationship is unhealthy is because every conversation has Disneyland in it, her and her husband have gone to Disneyland without their 11 year old son to punish him for bad behavior, she has used work and sick days to go to Disneyland, and she goes on vmk (virtual magic kingdom) religiously. I realize that she may view Disneyland as a coping mechanism because her life is crappy right now, however that is now reason to suck everyone else into your Disneyland obsession. We spent New Years at Disneyland although no one wanted to go but D. and had to listen while they (her and her hubby) complained about being there ( we were there from 7:00am-11:00pm New Year's Day). Another thing that irritated me was how many times D. had to check vmk. She constantly checked the site to play with her character then logged on with Den's character and played with that one too. When in a room full of people, she chooses to immerse herself in her virtual world and not engage in real life interaction. Even when we finally got to Disneyland, her favorite place in the world and the whole reason why she's on vmk in the first place what does she do? She logs on to vmk to let her online friends know shMe and Den are finally back from California and I'm so glad to be back.Although these trips are supposed to be vacation, they never are and we end up doing stuff for his mom or having to divide our time between his family members. This trip, we ended up installing door knobs, overseeing facets being installed by plumbers, doing data entry for her church's website, and replacing light bulbs at his mom's house. I've already been told that when we come out in the spring or summer, we're going to be pulling up the shag carpet throughout the house and putting in a new bedroom suite. As you can see, I have a lot to look forward to. While this may seem like a lot of work, at this point, I'd much rather be doing this that the other option which is hanging out with Den's sister, D. the Disneyfreak.
D. (I don't know if I mentioned this or not) is Den's big sis and she has an unhealthy relationship with Dinseyland. The reason I say her realtionship is unhealthy is because every conversation has Disneyland in it, her and her husband have gone to Dinseyland without their 11 year old son to punish him for bad behavior,she has used work and sick days to go to Disneyland, and she goes on vmk (virtual magic kingdom) religiously. I realize that she may view Dineyland as a coping mechanism because her life is crappy right now, however that is now reason to suck everyone else into your Disneyland obsession. We spent New Years at Disneyland although no one wanted to go but D. and had to listen while they (her and her hubby) complained about being there ( we were there from 7:00am-11:00pm New Year's Day). Another thing that irritated me was how many times D. had to check vmk. She constantly checked the site to play with her character then logged on with Den's character and played with that one too. When in a room full of people, she chooses to immerse herself in her virtual world and not engage in real life interaction. Even when we finally got to Dinseyland, her favorite place in the world and the whole reason why she's on vmk in the first place what does she do? She logs on to vmk to let her online friends know she's there. She even celebrated New Years online at a vmk party with her virtual friends.
I understand that people like things....there's nothing wrong with that but there is a point when you cross the line from enjoyment to obsession and I feel she definitely crossed that line there.
D. (I don't know if I mentioned this or not) is Den's big sis and she has an unhealthy relationship with Disneyland. The reason I say her relationship is unhealthy is because every conversation has Disneyland in it, her and her husband have gone to Disneyland without their 11 year old son to punish him for bad behavior, she has used work and sick days to go to Disneyland, and she goes on vmk (virtual magic kingdom) religiously. I realize that she may view Disneyland as a coping mechanism because her life is crappy right now, however that is now reason to suck everyone else into your Disneyland obsession. We spent New Years at Disneyland although no one wanted to go but D. and had to listen while they (her and her hubby) complained about being there ( we were there from 7:00am-11:00pm New Year's Day). Another thing that irritated me was how many times D. had to check vmk. She constantly checked the site to play with her character then logged on with Den's character and played with that one too. When in a room full of people, she chooses to immerse herself in her virtual world and not engage in real life interaction. Even when we finally got to Disneyland, her favorite place in the world and the whole reason why she's on vmk in the first place what does she do? She logs on to vmk to let her online friends know shMe and Den are finally back from California and I'm so glad to be back.Although these trips are supposed to be vacation, they never are and we end up doing stuff for his mom or having to divide our time between his family members. This trip, we ended up installing door knobs, overseeing facets being installed by plumbers, doing data entry for her church's website, and replacing light bulbs at his mom's house. I've already been told that when we come out in the spring or summer, we're going to be pulling up the shag carpet throughout the house and putting in a new bedroom suite. As you can see, I have a lot to look forward to. While this may seem like a lot of work, at this point, I'd much rather be doing this that the other option which is hanging out with Den's sister, D. the Disneyfreak.
D. (I don't know if I mentioned this or not) is Den's big sis and she has an unhealthy relationship with Dinseyland. The reason I say her realtionship is unhealthy is because every conversation has Disneyland in it, her and her husband have gone to Dinseyland without their 11 year old son to punish him for bad behavior,she has used work and sick days to go to Disneyland, and she goes on vmk (virtual magic kingdom) religiously. I realize that she may view Dineyland as a coping mechanism because her life is crappy right now, however that is now reason to suck everyone else into your Disneyland obsession. We spent New Years at Disneyland although no one wanted to go but D. and had to listen while they (her and her hubby) complained about being there ( we were there from 7:00am-11:00pm New Year's Day). Another thing that irritated me was how many times D. had to check vmk. She constantly checked the site to play with her character then logged on with Den's character and played with that one too. When in a room full of people, she chooses to immerse herself in her virtual world and not engage in real life interaction. Even when we finally got to Dinseyland, her favorite place in the world and the whole reason why she's on vmk in the first place what does she do? She logs on to vmk to let her online friends know she's there. She even celebrated New Years online at a vmk party with her virtual friends.
I understand that people like things....there's nothing wrong with that but there is a point when you cross the line from enjoyment to obsession and I feel she definitely crossed that line there.
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