Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Rediscovering Poetry Writing As Therapy

     Although I've kept a diary since 1991, I didn't start expressing my feelings through poetry in 1994. During my middle school years, my poetry was primarily rhyming and dark. After I was chosen to be be in my high school's creative writing magnet program, this allowed my to share my poetry with a larger audience through the high school's annual creative writing magazine. Once I went to college, my poetry writing decreased and the last time I wrote a poem was in February 1998.

     Towards the end of last year, I felt the desire to begin writing poetry again. Given the current state of racial unrest in the United States and global protests due to the senseless murder of George Floyd, I am using journal writing as well as poetry writing as a form of therapy. 

Having said all this, I will now be uploading my poems to this blog as I work through how to navigate through this perilous world trying to navigate life during COVID-19, and racism.

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